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Every Zoo At Your Fingertip

The Ultimate UK Zoo Database

Great Zoos You Know, Great Zoos You Don't

Welcome to Zoo Trips
Zoo Trips was created in March 2022, by myself Christopher Beek. I don't have a history in the zoo industry, far from it. My life has always been full with a passion of animals and a love of the natural world, but I am no zoologist, I am no vet, and I am no more qualified to write about zoos than the next man on the street, but sometimes you don't have to have the practical history to see what works, and understand what is right. I grew up like many 80s children watching David Attenborough on the BBC in awe of the natural world and if I could turn back the clock, I would have loved to have worked in a zoo and worked with exotic animals, but I chose a role in life that I loved. For many years I rode, trained and owned racehorses, and lived in a world where the wealthy had animals for status symbols. I even threw my hand at financial investment which ended up a complete car crash. Not only did I fail, but I ruined my own life in letting others down which ultimately ended in me going to prison for fraud.
I am not going to say that going to prison was my calling in life, my love of animals runs far deeper than that and since 2016 prior to going to jail I frequented zoos writing reviews on how I saw them. I have always been quite a successful gambler and I am fortunate that in that field my knowledge is strong, strong enough to be regarded as one of the best form readers in the country and it has enabled me to build up a client base who pay me handsomely and allows me to make enough money so that Zoo Trips became a possibility. 
In life you can chose to be honest and open, or you can chose to hide your past and problems away. I am not the latter. I have spent a lifetime being judged for mistakes and the very idea of someone like me creating a project like Zoo Trips has been met with hostility in certain areas of the industry, however I will not be deterred in supporting zoos and highlighting the good they do, the benefits they can bring not just to animals but to humans as well, and Zoo Trips will lead you on a journey which opens up the world of zoos in the UK, showing what they have to offer, the experiences they bring about and the conservation projects they support.
Conservation is key and without it, much of the natural world will vanish. Zoo Trips is committed to supporting zoos who have conservation at their forefront and we have stepped in to sponsor exhibits of endangered species, to help spread the messages that are needed. 

Zoo Trips offers a database of every zoo in the UK, giving you the consumer safe knowledge of what to expect when visiting by supplying Maps, Reviews, Catering Options, Accessibility Facts and even a database of the Animals held at each collection. This is currently being uploaded and will be fully online by March 2024. 
We also provide honest and accurate reviews of VIP experiences offered by each zoo and tell you what to expect by purchasing them, the animals involved, whether we feel there is value for money and if we would recommend the experience as a present for a loved one.
Zoo Trips has been designed to give zoos a positive mouth piece and show the good they can offer, and what is happening at zoos all around the UK. All at the click of a button and all in one place. I want to make Zoo Trips the place you go to, when looking for your next day at the zoo, VIP experience purchase, latest zoo news and basically anything zoo related.

I am passionate about zoos and animals and it is my own ambition to within 10 years, either be a significant investor in a zoo or to own one myself, and I invite you on that journey. The journey starts here and now.

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